Maps of Everyday


Maps of Everyday 
Multimedia Installation – National Museum of Maps and Old Books, Bucharest, Romania 
26 September – 20 October 2019
visual identity/design: Elena Dobîndă
Maps of Everyday presents an ”archive” with the traces of the repetitive daily activities that organize the intimate world: notes we write so we don’t forget, shopping lists, hand-drawn maps of the city with landmarks to guide us from A to B, imprints involuntarily accumulated by collectively occupying the same space.

The project documents the daily use of handwriting in a time where it is slowly replaced by electronic devices. Imagining herself as an anthropologist who tries to gather traces of this practice before it disappears, Raluca Băjenaru looks at the present as already being the past and at the society as already being part of a post-literary era. 

The handwritten notes lost on the street or the maps drawn on paper are considered objects belonging to a museum and they give access to an individual level of codification through the personal script. A diffuse voyeurism comes through trying to imagine who is the person who wrote that post-it found on the street or who used certain graphic conventions in drawing a map.

Eroding the urban spaces used in common, like the chairs in the metro station Unirii 1 creates involuntary maps photographically documented within the project. Traces that people leave, repeatedly sitting in the same place and creating a common imprint become relevant for their habits and preferences.

Searching for these traces of daily existence, Raluca Băjenaru becomes an explorer of the city, creating huge drawings by recording with an application her walks in Bucharest (searching for lost notes) and by reinterpreting them through animation. Extracted from the context, these tracks create an aesthetics of walking and a gestualism at the scale of the city, made with the artist’s steps.

98 maps drawn by different people in Bucharest and Timisoara

Signs on chairs in the metro station Unirii 1, Bucharest

Signs on the walls of hospital wainting rooms

Drawing with movement at the scale of the city

Archive of handwritten notes found while walking in the city

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